
Orders are processed and shipped within 3-5 business days of purchase. Once your order has been processed, the average transit times are 3-5 days. Express shipping is available upon request. Cancellations are not accepted. 

International Shipping
Yes! We ship internationally. Please email info@villaobject.com for a quote. 

Local Pick-up
In the North Florida area and would like to pick up your purchase? Please use code FREELOCALPICKUP at checkout. Once order is submitted, please email info@villaobject.com to coordinate timing.

All sales are final. If an item was damaged by the shipping company during transit, please photograph 3-5 photos each of the package exterior, interior and damaged item. Do not discard any packaging. VILLA is not liable for stolen or lost packages or if incorrect mailing address was inputted.

If you have questions about your order, please contact us at: info@villaobject.com

Vintage/Second Hand
Due to the age of each product, imperfections are to be expected. Please review photographs and condition notes in product listing before making your purchase. 

Vintage objects found with material and design in mind.

Villa was founded in 2021
by Kelsey Heinze and Isaiah Abenchuchan in North Florida.

Kelsey is a photographer and visual curator who worked for design studio, YIELD, for eight years before she transitioned to vintage curation full-time. She and her partner, Isaiah, thoughtfully source every object within the shop. Their detailed approach to aesthetics is reflected in their beautiful home filled with natural light, soft neutrals, and amazing vintage finds. VILLA is inspired by their love for design and desire to share objects that celebrate the beauty of craft, form, and material.

Follow along on instagram - @villaobject

Vintage objects found with material and design in mind.

Villa was founded in 2021
by Kelsey Heinze and Isaiah Abenchuchan in North Florida.

Kelsey is a photographer and visual curator who worked for design studio, YIELD, for eight years before she transitioned to vintage curation full-time. She and her partner, Isaiah, thoughtfully source every object within the shop. Their detailed approach to aesthetics is reflected in their beautiful home filled with natural light, soft neutrals, and amazing vintage finds. VILLA is inspired by their love for design and desire to share objects that celebrate the beauty of craft, form, and material.

Follow along on instagram - @villaobject